This popular course by Yale University is made to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits.
It takes around 19 hours to complete.
See the schedule and the details here
What You Will Learn
Based on participants’ reviews, this course has been very beneficial for them, as they admit that they can apply the subject to their daily life and reach success through a happy life.
So, what will you learn?
1. Introduction
Students will notice that this course was launched in 2018 by Laurie Santos, the professor of psychology. The subject seems simple, in which Santos emphasizes the importance of happiness in enjoying a good life.
2. Misconceptions About Happiness
What makes this course unique is the concrete and abstract concept of happiness, in which students can learn about combining their positive minds with their daily life by applying behavioral science. Students are thought to compare the causes of happiness, whether it is due to their desire of having luxury things or feeling thankful for everything about their well-being.
3. Why Our Expectations are so Bad
Students can learn that happiness is more than just having an opulent life. It is started with the understanding of bad expectations that most people have, in which they will be frustrated when they fail to meet them.
4. How Can We Overcome Our Biases
Once they learn deeply about this, they can learn about how they can reach happiness by applying the science of well-being into practice to experience real happiness. The lecturer teaches about how happiness is obtained through a series of research, in which students can actually enjoy long-lasting happiness after conducting the research seriously.
The Science Of Well Being online class is easy to join by almost everyone. The course doesn’t require participants to read a bunch of thick books for understanding the overall subject. There are options to finish this course, in which participants don’t need to worry about failing to meet the deadline.
About Yale University
Imagine how a reputable university like Yale can offer this subject in a scientific way. For three hundred years, this university maintains its reputation as a reliable research university that focuses on students’ encouragement in learning.
The Instructor
Receiving her A.B. degree in Psychology and Biology from Harvard University in 1997, Laurie Santos continued her education by reaching her Ph.D. from the same university in Psychology, in 2003. Now, she is the Yale University’s head of Silliman Residential College and the director of Yale’s Comparative Cognition Laboratory and the Canine Cognition Center.
Her teaching method includes video lectures, reading activities, and practices. Santos has been popular for his conversational tone, which enhances the subject’s popularity. For sure, Santos never fails to deliver the best teaching methods, just as other Yale lecturers.
Learner Outcome
28% of learners have enrolled in their new careers after accomplishing the specialization
27% of learners got triumphant careers due to the benefit that they get from this specialization.
This subject even becomes the most popular program that everyone can get from this prominent university. Who would imagine that getting lectures from Yale can be fun and entertaining like this?